helping you remember SAT definitions... the dirty way


Respect the sign, dude.
       abrogate (v.) – to formally abolish; to put to a complete end

for your edification:  This is a fun little word.  Let’s break it down.  Comprised of:  a bro gate.  Please imagine a gate, erected by some bros.  This gate, erected by some bros, stands for the sole purpose of stopping/ending anyone who isn’t one of the bros from passing through.  It’s kind of like back in the late 90’s when some guy coined that ingenious little rhyme “Bros before hoes.”  That is so terrifically clever, guy from 1997.  Really, really thoughty*. That guy was trying to abrogate “hoes.” He was trying to formally abolish - to put a complete end to the hoes.   This is similar to that.   A bro gate that we are imagining completely abolishes all opportunities for new entrance - including any “hoes”, if you will (I won’t.  Hoes is a pretty outdated word.  “Bros before courtesans and/or strumpets with questionable morals” has a nice ring to it, too, though, right? ).  A bro gate stops – abolishes - ABROGATES! -  everyone and everything in its tracks.  Got it?  

* not a word

examplificationRodrigo:  I have a fable to tell you.

Carl:  Okay.

Rodrigo:  All right.  So:  Sneaky Pete started dating Tiny Tina,  who began to monopolize all his time, so his main bro, Skinny Jim, warned him it was time to abolish his relationship.  Sneaky Pete wanted Skinny Jim to throw up a bro gate and abrogate his relationship, completely ending it with Tiny Tina, once and for all.  Dig?

Carl:  That makes so much more sense than the tortoise and the hare one.  I mean, why would anyone name a rabbit "Hair."  I mean, I guess it's cool and everything.  But, that Sneaky Pete story is just a lot more relatable.

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