helping you remember SAT definitions... the dirty way


       congenital (adj.) – present at birth

for your edification:  This is another fantastic word, on account of it being so easy to remember.  First, the word congenital begins with the prefix “con”, which means “together” or “with.”  You also probably couldn’t help but notice that the second half of the word is genital.  Hooray!  So, literally translated, we have “with genital.”  You know how long you have been together with your genitals?  Always!  Your genitals were present at your birth.    If you have a congenital itch, you’ve been scratching since birth.  If you have a congenital body odor, you’ve stunk since birth.  If you have a congenital rash, your rash was present at birth.  (By the way:  a congenital rash is almost always an entirely different entity than a genital rash.  So close, yet 2 times out of 17, so far away.)  You and your genitals:  together forever. 

ExamplificationRalphYou know, I feel like for the past seventeen years, I’ve had a real complex about the overwhelmingly huge size of my phallus.  I’d always felt that being so enormously, ridiculously well-endowed made me so different than every other guy out there.

Tina Tina:  Wow.  You really have it rough.

Ralph:  Yeah.  But, you know, I’ve finally come to terms with it.  My outrageously giant schlong was present at my birth.  My genitals were congenital, and, you know, that means something to me.  I need to have my unit’s back, because, if I don’t, who will?

Tiny Tina:  That’s beautiful.

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