helping you remember SAT definitions... the dirty way


       congenial (adj.) – pleasing in nature; agreeable

for your edification:  Look!  This word is so close to congenital, but it isn’t congenital!  One little letter can make such a difference.  One little letter is the difference between an agreeable, friendly, or generally pleasing in nature circumstance, and, well, a genital.  Besides having nothing to do with your genitals, here’s how you can remember the definition of this word:  You’ve heard of genies, right?  Genies are supposed to be these magical creatures that go around making dreams come true, granting all your wishes.  Genies are awesome.  Everyone loves a genie.  I mean, I Dream of Jeanie, for crying out loud.  Don’t you?  Genies are pleasing in nature.  Genies are agreeable to everyone.  I repeat:  everyone loves a genie.  They’re congenial.  I feel pleased.  You?

ExamplificationRodrigo:  What a day.  I am so overwhelmed by all my homework and my job and my mom nagging me all the time. 

Lisa:  Yeah.  And also, you’re pretty much always in a super-pissy mood.

Rodrigo: I know.  I’m so stressed.  I just wish I could have a genie to help me with everything.  If I had a genie, I’d be congenial.  I wish I could be pleasing and agreeable.  Ugh.

Lisa:  Ooh.  And you could get the genie to add five inches to your penis, too.

Rodrigo:  In theory, I guess.

Lisa:  Yeah.  Totally.  And maybe you could ask for fresher breath.

Rodrigo:  Okay.

Lisa:  And, like, help with the acne.

Rodrigo:  Right.  Got it.  Thanks.

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